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How To Foster Healthy Competition At Work


When it comes to competition at work, there’s a negative connotation at first glance. People often underestimate its ability to foster positive results like performance boosts and growth. Not only does it influence employers to reach their full potential, but it gives them a nudge for personal development.

In other words, if you have some healthy competition at work, it’s good for you and is most likely going to have a great impact on your career. Think of it as an excellent catalyst set up by the organization you work for to help you thrive. Leaders or employers directly or indirectly encourage it, most times depending on the size of the workforce. 

So if you’re trying to put your best foot forward at work, we’ve got some tips to help.

Check out 5 ways to create healthy competition at work…

1. Set clear goals

Healthy competition at work has to have a sense of direction and end goal. As such, its important for organizations to have set objectives that gives everyone a fair chance and some zeal or excitement. When people know what their supposed to achieve, it allows them imagine the best ways to go about it and overall this increases levels of efficiency.

2. Provide a good range of opportunities

Basically, this involves making sure different skills and talents a team possesses has a chance to shine. This ensures everyone has a role to play and lifts up morale within diverse departments or teams. Inclusivity is something you can never go wrong with.

3. Offer incentives and leave punishments out of it

Rather than instill fear in people with punishments if they lose, use tiers of rewards to compensate efforts at all levels. This way, competition at work is something people end up looking forward to when introduced at any point in time instead of dreading it.

4. Provide tools for success

Progressive competition at work entails a lot of intentionality. Whether it’s setting up systems and techniques to help or making out time to talk to individuals/teams, intentional actions make people feel seen/heard which creates value extensively.

5. Track satisfaction 

Finally, at the end of the competition executed, it’s important to receive feedback and make sure there was no form of bias or miscommunication. You want to make sure your team received and performed without any toxic rivalry and that they benefited from it.  

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