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How To Manage A Team For Success


When it comes to coordinating a team, a lot of intentionality is required. In other words, making sure people responsible for projects are well managed should be prioritized. Not only does this improve the levels of efficiency within an organization, but it also ensures growth.

Simply put, to lead a team effectively, you have to understand people and build unique systems. From the way projects are assigned, managed and executed to interpersonal methods, attention to details within a team is important.


So if you’re an employer or employee looking to improve your team, we’ve got you covered.

Check out 6 ways to manage a team for success…

1. Good communication

Firstly, it’s important for team members to be kept in the loop about ongoing or incoming projects, goals and deadlines. Additionally, communicating all of that through verbal and written channels helps big time. If done properly, this makes the team feel comfortable to approach leads with any questions or issues.

Good communication = professional accessibility.

2. Offer a clear vision

To do this, highlight long and short term goals for tasks and projects so everyone stays focused. This way, the team is efficient at executing, tracking and achieving the objectives set on your company’s timeline. 

3. Delegate with care and intentionality 

If there’s one thing that kills a team, it’s horrible delegation of tasks. You need to make sure people have a fair workload based on skills, experience and competency. By doing this, burnouts are avoided and team members are able to work as adequately as possible.

4. Manage conflict

As a result of working with different personalities, it’s inevitable to have clashes. Basically, turning a blind eye to conflict can lead to a negative atmosphere. To evade this, address issues when they arise and offer practical solutions.

5. Provide constructive feedback and recognition

Whether it’s scheduling sessions or anonymous systems, doing this gives room for general improvement. Even more important, both managers and employees should be involved here.

Feedback should be listened to and achievements should be appreciated.

6. Set a good example 

Teams sometimes mirror the leader’s tenacity. To clarify, your staff will look to you for inspiration and guidance. As such, it’s necessary to behave professionally and be  enthusiastic about your work. Consequently, you get to develop your career and support your team all at once.

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