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How To Work Smarter, Not Harder


As a professional, knowing how to work smarter, instead of working harder is important. In other words, building systems that aid productivity can be a massive game changer. From improved productivity and time management to more revenue, working smart has a plethora of benefits.

Similarly, working smarter helps you accomplish more in less time. It involves paying attention to short bursts of productivity by planning tasks in ways that makes sense. Not only is it the best way to refine project management, but it’s also a way to avoid exhaustion. 

So if you’re looking for some productivity tips, we’ve got you covered.

Check out 6 ways to work smarter…

1. Stop Multitasking

Simply put, stop letting your work suffer. Start batching activities daily by tackling tasks in chunks and bits. This way, you’re able to find a rhythm for everything that you do rather than feeling scattered or all over the place.


2. Delegate Work 

If you’re a control freak or perfectionist, working smarter is something you need to try out ASAP! Studies show that CEOs that delegate experience lower levels of decision fatigue. Additionally, they are less likely to have burnouts and they generate more revenue. 


3. Cut Down Your To-Do List

One way to work smarter is to have a minimal to-do list. Basically, having a massive list of pending tasks can be intimidating and chaotic. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure by overwhelming yourself before work. Organize your list in a way that makes everything feel more achievable.


4. Manage Your Surroundings 

Being able to keep your focus at optimal levels is a form of working smarter. How do you do this? Start by minimizing the number of distractions in your environment, so you get the opportunity to perform your tasks without anything affecting your attention span.


5. Track Your Time & Review Productivity 

When you do this, it’s impossible for you to get carried away by fixating on certain tasks for longer than you should. What you want to do is track everything you do and review progress so you know what works and what doesn’t.


6. Automations, Automations & More Automations!

We live in a digital world where technology makes it easy to work smarter and not frustratingly. Essentially, you can schedule things like emails, meetings, social media posts and invoices. Taking advantage of this helps you stay on top of tasks with an increased level of efficiency. 



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