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How To Practice Anger Management


When it comes to human emotions, anger has to be one of the most common but dangerous ones. In other words, as much as it could be triggered by something little, it can also be escalated in ways that lead to toxic behaviours or results.

Basically, anger has to do with different levels of temperament and self-control. It can either be the lack of said self-control or extreme worrisome levels of temperament. Thankfully, there are regular exercises and methods to deal with it. Whether it’s sparked from an irritating conversation, a hurtful action from another person or self-criticism, it’s manageable.

So if you’ve been made upset recently and you’re experiencing intense fury, we’ve got you!

Check out 5 ways to practice anger management…

1. Be aware of the signs

The first step to combatting anger is observing and acknowledging the signs. From emotional indicators like feelings of rage to physical hints like shaking uncontrollably, it’s important to stay aware of the signs.

2. Take a timeout

Another thing to do when you’re angry is to step away from the situation. Try going somewhere quiet to breathe and calm yourself down. This way, you avoid saying or doing anything severe or aggressive that you’d end up regretting.

3. Know your triggers

Most of the time, anger is a reaction to something that you’ve experienced first hand or indirectly. As such, it’s key to identify the type of circumstances that affect your temper. For example, try asking yourself questions about the people you hang around with and the type of language they use on you or actions that push you to the edge.

4. Use humor and relaxation techniques

It’s good to engage in activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Equally, using humor can diffuse tense situations and shift your perspective.

5. Seek Support

Finally, if you can’t control your anger and signs on your own, it’s perfectly fine to seek the help of friends, a mental health professional or anger management support group.

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