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#TBH: I Have To Choose Between My Career & My Boyfriend


Welcome! You’re reading #TBH, a series of dilemmas ranging from love, sex, money and all things sticky sent for candid advice.


I never thought I’d regret the day I met the love of my life but I do. I’ve always loved the idea of love, but I’ve never been sold on the whole one person abi soulmate thing until I met my boyfriend at a real estate networking event last year in April.

He was everything on my list. Tall, light skinned, plenty of money and a big heart and big D…don’t judge me, a girl loves what a girl loves. But my life also changed career wise at this event.

I also got to meet a real estate professional that I look up to and she was just as nice and badass as I imagined she was. Working with her has been on my vision board since 2020, so when I saw her last year…I immediately took the opportunity and spoke to her.

To cut the long story short, I started working with her and it’s been amazing. I’m earning more, getting exciting opportunities and being in rooms with movers and shakers of the industry. All of this was great until one day, my boyfriend showed up at my office to surprise me on my birthday and everything went from a fairytale to a horror movie.

I noticed my boss lock eyes with my boyfriend at some point and they were looking at each other weirdly. She was smiling, but he was freaking out…I could tell. I know when he’s anxious about something. I asked him about it later that day and he said it was nothing, that I probably read him wrong. So I let it go.

Only for me to get called into my boss’s office the next morning and she told me to break up with my boyfriend if I wanted to continue working with her.

I was weak. Like what type of Nollywood nonsense is this?? Then she went on to tell me that she doesn’t like to share, and that’s all she’ll say to me.

The rest of the work day was awful. I was confused, and starting to go crazy cause I was making up stories in my head to understand what she said.

That night, I confronted my boyfriend and after several yelling matches between us, he told me the truth. He’s been a personal escort to a lot of influential men and women…that’s how he makes his money.

This whole time, his whole real estate business was being funded by his clients.

Wtf am I supposed to do? I actually love him as stupid as that sounds and he says he’s ready to stop sleeping with them for me. But I also love my job and my career is taking off.

Do you have a similar dilemma to share? Send an email to tobehonestwithcnb@gmail.com to be featured on #TBH


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