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How To Know When To Leave Your Job


The “how to know when to leave your job” conversation is something anyone with a job has often. In other words, you don’t have to be uncomfortable to question your decision to stay in a particular role. You can be satisfied in a position and could be wondering if that’s the best you can do. There’s always a better job or better opportunities waiting to be discovered.

If you want to leave your job, you shouldn’t feel guilty. While it’s normal to feel burnout sometimes, having a deep lasting sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction should be addressed. Whether it’s the environment you work in, or the people and company culture, know when pivoting is worth trying. 


So if you’re asking yourself the grand question on quitting, we’ve got a list that can help.

Check out 5 ways to know when to leave your job…

1. There’s no room for growth

A big sign that it’s time to leave your job is if you’re constantly having to learn coping mechanisms rather than new skills. From promotions and vertical advances, to being mentored by senior leaders, there should always be new opportunities to look forward to. If these are non-existent, then it’s time to make some changes.

2. You’re uninspired and unengaged 

Working in a situation where you feel repetition and boredom frequently indicates a need for something new. Your job should be something that you’re willing to do, not dreading to accomplish, even in the midst of a burnout or unfamiliar territory. If you find yourself having to be convinced to perform a task that doesn’t eventually yield fulfillment, then there’s a problem.

3. An unhealthy environment 

Knowing when to leave your job mostly boils down to the company culture and surroundings you’re supposed to thrive in. If there’s a heap of harassment, distrust, punitive and controlling management practices, it’s time to pack up and move. The worst thing you can do is stay in a working environment that constantly breaks you down as a person. Even worse, that stops you from speaking up for yourself.

4. You’re under-compensated  

This usually happens as a result of a communication mismatch between you and your company or employer. For example, if your value is being perceived wrongly, it could translate to an insulting pay and an inadequate presence of incentive and perks.

5. Your company/industry is struggling 

There’s only so much you can control when it comes to your job, and you should always be determined to put in your best. However, if your company is having a hard time making ends meet or there’s a decline in your industry, take it as a prompt to leave. Realistically, you need to look out for yourself and what’s best for you.  

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