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How To Enjoy Christmas…Even If You Hate It


Christmas is in three days, and you’d be shocked at the amount of people who aren’t looking forward to it. In other words, not everybody likes the holidays for one reason or the other. However, instead of being bitter through the season, there are steps that can be taken to navigate it peacefully.

If you’re wondering why people hate Christmas or the holidays, the answers are mostly simple. From the crazy expensive prices and traffic to bad memories and crowded spaces, there’s a plethora of reasons. But everybody deserves some joy this period, and it’s okay to make an effort to get some.

Check out 5 ways to enjoy Christmas even if you hate it…

1. Set new traditions for yourself

If you’re not into the conventional Christmas traditions, make up your own. Whether it’s with food, your favorite show or going on a solo vacation…do you.


2. Connect with the people you love

Communicating with the people you love can help kill the blues you feel during Christmas. When you speak to them, they’ll most likely remind you that you’re loved and celebrating the season is worth it. Contrastingly, they might just help distract you from the festivities you dislike.


3. Unplug and have some “me” time

Stay away from your phone and keep yourself company. Stay indoors with your favorite food and snacks, binge watch your favorite series and do some self care. Chances are you’d end the day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


4. Create boundaries where and when necessary

Saying yes to everyone or going everywhere during Christmas leaves a lot of people drained. This causes a certain unwillingness to celebrate but if you manage the amount of things you say yes to, you have some control.


5. Tap into other people’s joy in the season

Instead of being sad and bitter, try living vicariously through people who enjoy the merry season. You can do this if you have any in your social circle or just taking in content online through social media. You might find it cute and inspiring and not necessarily annoying.


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